Google Slides Fun

Kia ora Koutou!

We have been working on creating our own animations or pick-a-paths using Google Slides.

We learned that for an animation you have to start with an interesting background (like space or a car racing track!). We then inserted a picture that went with our background (like a rocket ship or car) or something that didn’t to make it even funnier (like a cartoon character).

With a pick-a-path we could do a quiz about something that interested us. We needed to plan what we wanted to ask and use control + k to link where we wanted our choices to go. While no-one in our class did, we did learn that you could use a pick-a-path format to create a choose your own adventure type story.

The next steps in an animation are to duplicate the slide (using control + d or control + c, control + v) and make one small change. Then you keep repeating this cycle until you are happy with your animation. We will finish these next week and share them on our individual blogs – so make sure you check them out!

Have you made animations or a pick-a-path before?